helping businesses grow since 2016, with strategic marketing and design.

our commitment
Monicat Data “The Business Behind Creativity”, based in St. Paul, MN is a women-led company helping mid-size to corporate enterprises grow through strategic marketing and design.
We support our business clients with a team of diverse, creative, and strategically skilled project collaborators—bringing multi-perspective expertise to the organizations we serve.

the creative collaborator network

intake process
Fill out the Creative Collaborator Network Intake Form to help us understand your skills, interests, and project availability.
This will allow us to match you with incoming contracts aligning with your professional strengths.
Monicat Data provides part-time and contract opportunities outside of our full-time team to our Creative Collaborator Network members.
connects & Training
Monicat Data offers Creative Collaborator Network Connects and training opportunity stipends for members of the network.
network VALUES
At Monicat Data, we take pride in assembling a diverse team of diverse, creative, and strategically skilled project collaborators. Together, we bring multi-perspective expertise to meet the unique needs of the organizations we serve.
lead with strategy

Jasmine Russell, Lead | co-founder
Cassie Utt | co-founder


Each team member of Monicat Data holds high respect for the clients we serve.
Monicat Data works to provide manageable & actionable solutions to our organization's clients.
Monicat Data hires creative, analytic and strategically skilled project collaborators—bringing market insight and technical expertise to each of our organization’s clients.
Monicat Data delivers a transparent project process to our service clients, through the use of best-in-class project management and reliable communication.
Monicat Data “The Business Behind Creativity”, based in St. Paul, MN is a women-led company helping mid-size to corporate enterprises grow through strategic marketing, technology development, and design.
We support our business clients with a team of diverse, creative, strategically inspired, and technically skilled project collaborators—bringing multi-perspective expertise to the organizations we serve.
We welcome Creative Collaborator network emails at any time. Send your resume and note of interest to